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to the website of Bernhard Muenchbach (Weisweil/Kaiserstuhl*).

Here you can find information about a very versatile musician, whose spectrum ranges from baroque music to contemporary music, from jazz & rock to salsa. In addition to his work as a musician, composer and arranger, Bernhard Münchbach offers instrumental lessons for trumpet and other brass instruments. Workshops and theory courses complete his pedagogical services.

=>  Online-Instrumental-Lessons <=

via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp-Video. Please inquire here.

 =>  Online-Recording-Sessions  <=

* in real time * in studio quality * requests please here.

Bildergebnis für Piktogramm Facebook. Größe: 204 x 204. Quelle:   Soundcloud icon   Quellbild anzeigen

(* nach vielen Jahren am Kaiserstuhl gibt es nun eine neue Adresse)